Since I have lost touch with all of my friends and family because I value furs and fashion more than honor and relationships, I thought a nice little recap of Fashion Week Hell would be appropriate. The show was crazy ridiculous and you'll see more posted as days go by, but here are a few snaps from the styling sessions.

I was chatting with some of the models while they were waiting around during castings to see what their thoughts were on the eating/lack of eating scandals. They were all pretty indifferent, except for one particular girl, Lisa, who had a tourist yell at her the morning prior. "Go eat a sandwich bitch!"

From Left to Right: Brittany DeBeers, Numero stylist Bill Mullen, Unidentified Russian Model, Patternmaker Futoshi Yora, Dennis Basso HimSelf, Creative Director Nicholas Petrou. (Jack Cohen, Head of Sales and Ex Best Thing @ Fendi, is blocked by Dennis Basso.)

Ahh, the glamour of fashion.
yay! you're writing again! this means that you're alive... haha. no i understand the meaning of 'busy'.
miss you so much
the halfie...
I'm not sure that's your best side sweetie.
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