NYC has blessed me with an insane amount of self motivated work lately. This means projects and deadlines that I am left to meet--enforced by myself; which is something I begged the universe for during the last three painful years I was working in the glamorous fashion industry. But, because I am my own worst enemy, this also means I have been spending waaaaay too much time taking advantage of my wonderful party promoter friends and their seemingly endless supply of SVEDKA and good music. Which means spending waaay too much time being hung over on the couch every day, not working, watching my young life flash before my eyes in a succession of television hours and facebook masturbation. It was one such morning that I caught a charming commercial on LOGO (the gay channel) for THE JEFFERY AND COLE CASSEROLE, a half hour long series of sketches written/edited/produced by Jeffery Self and Cole Escola, two very talented NYC based writers.
I was immediately intrigued by the lo-fi feel of the show, and after watching a few daytime reruns, I realized it had been a long time since I had laughed so hard during a hangover. I did a little internet stalking and found out these boys were somewhat major league youtube celebrities, which is what must have cinched the deal avec Logo. They are known on the internets as the VGL boys, aka Very Good Looking Boys- which is very fitting as they are both quite adorable.
But I have been missing out on my casserole lately because something in the universe snapped and I suddenly have managed to get my life moving again, which means more selective and career beneficial partying (happy hour 'business meetings' that send me to bed by eleven), as well as hours spent doing the work I need to be doing to get my career as an artist going. Making the bloody dolls, taking pictures, going to castings, drawing, writing writing writing.
So you can imagine my pleasure when I was in Hell's Kitchen, having a cig after my last go-see of the day, when I noticed two VGL boys walking down the street. First I dumbly yelled "I LOVE YOUR SHOW" and then I asked to take their picture for yangabang. We got in a conversation about my tattoos, which inevitably led to me bragging about Mary Astor. Cole mentioned he loved her in a movie where she was the 'other woman' (Dodsworth!!! It was Dodsworth!) and Jeffery sighed wistfully, saying his great-grandmother was probably knitting tea cozies. It is my hope that someday we'll all be besties and they'll invite me and Snejana over to discuss politics and butt plugs...but until then, here's a few of my fave videos as well as links to their (well worth reading) blogs.
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